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How to Sync Grades from Kritik to your LMS Course
How to Sync Grades from Kritik to your LMS Course

Learn how to use up grade sync including, overall scores and individual activity scores.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over 6 months ago

To sync grades, your Kritik course must be connected to your LMS course. To connect your courses, see our How to link Kritik to a course in your LMS page.

How to use Grade Sync:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Grade Sync’ icon on the left navigation menu

  2. Instructors can either download an export of the grade book or export all student Creations

  3. Instructors can also either sync activity grades or the overall grades with the LMS course grade book

  4. Once synced, grades will appear under columns in instructors' LMS grade books

Syncing the activity score:

  1. Select the ‘By Activity’ option

  2. All completed activities will appear

  3. Create a new LMS column under the LMS Columns section for each activity you need to sync scores for

    1. By default, the column is set to 100 points, but it can be adjusted to match the weight specified by you during the syncing process.

  4. Select the grey sync icon to the left. The icon will then appear blue, indicating the activity is ready to be synced.

  5. Select ‘Sync Activities’

    Note: This process is immediate and without delay. Once completing this step, refresh your LMS grades page to view the synced scores.

Note: When using the grade sync function, LMS activities will not appear in Kritik within the column drop downs. This means that to sync student grades, new columns will always need to be created in the drop downs.

Syncing the overall score:

  1. Select the ‘No Breakdown’ option

  2. Navigate to the LMS Columns section

  3. Create a new column for the LMS gradebook to update.

    1. By default, the column is set to 100 points, but it can be adjusted to match the weight specified by the you during the syncing process.

    2. If you wish to customize this weight, the students' scores would be transformed to match that weight in the LMS gradebook column. For example if you choose to set a weight of 10, a student that received 90/100 would show as 9/10 in the LMS gradebook column.

  4. Select ‘Sync scores’ to initiate the sync

    Note: This process is immediate and without delay. Once completing this step, refresh your LMS grades page to view the synced scores.

Syncing Grades to an Existing Column for Canvas:

This feature is available only for Canvas integrations. To enable this functionality please reach out to our support team via live chat. If you have Group Sync enabled, this functionality will be enabled for you by default.


How can I tell when the activity was synced last?

  • Navigate to the ‘Status’ solemn to see when the last sync to your LMS grade book

Do activities sync every time I click on "Sync Activities"?

  • No, activities only sync when the blue icon is visible. This needs to be enabled for the activities that you would like to sync. The default setting is set to "not going to sync".

How can I resync a previously synced activity?

  1. Click on the triple dot menu.

  2. A modal will pop up to change the sync settings for that activity.


  1. Select the gray icon to it to blue and overwrite previous data

What would happen if I remove the assignment column in my LMS grade book and then initiate the sync?

  • If an assignment is removed from the grade book (that was previously synced) and you sync the activity, there will be an error message

    • Fix this by creating another column to sync

    • Course average defaults to ‘Hide class average’ but can be changed to ‘Show class average’ if you would like your students to see the class average of their creations compared to their own.

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