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Roster Sync

Learn what roster sync is, how to connect your courses, and frequently asked questions.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over 8 months ago

Connect Courses

To sync a course roster in your LMS course with a course in Kritik, both courses need to be connected. Please check out this helpful article to learn how to connect a Kritik course to a course in the LMS.

Note: It can take up to 1 hour for the Roster Sync tool to pull an LMS course roster to Kritik.

Automatic Roster Sync

Once a course has been successfully connected, the course roster will automatically sync, allowing students and collaborators to use their launch link to access Kritik. Students and collaborators will not receive email invites with the automatic roster sync.

Invite Students & Collaborators

To manually send invite emails, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Course Roster Tab

    1. You will notice two buttons in the top right section of the screen, one to Invite Students and the other to Sync Roster.

  2. Select on Sync Roster

  3. A dropdown will appear that will show the LMS course name and the date & time of the last sync.

    NOTE: Double-check to make sure that you’ve connected to the correct LMS course.

  4. Click Next

    A modal will appear that will show a preview of the students and collaborators that are going to be added or removed due to the sync.

    Collaborators are users in an LMS course roster who are not students (TAs, Instructors, Admins, etc.).

    NOTE: Please make sure to review this list to ensure the correct students and collaborators are going to be invited to Kritik.

    Confirming Sync Roster for Students and Collaborators:

  5. After confirming the student pricing, please select “Sync Roster” to sync the Kritik and LMS course rosters.

  6. After successfully syncing the course rosters, you could also enable automated syncs that will sync the rosters daily.

  1. Invited students will appear in the “Pending Students” tab in the Course Roster. Once students have paid for the course, they will appear in the “Students” tab.

  2. Invited collaborators will appear in the "Collaborators" tab. You will see either "Pending", "Enrolled", or "Removed" under "Status".

Frequently Asked Questions:

What happens when a sync fails?

  • When a sync fails, the course owner will be notified via email.

Do students/collaborators receive a notification after the sync runs?

  • Yes, students and collaborators will receive an email that will inform them that they have been invited to the specific Kritik course and the next steps.

Can I sync the course rosters if I already invited students/collaborators via email?

  • Yes. However, if there are students/collaborators enrolled in the Kritik course that do not exist in the LMS course roster, those students/collaborators would need to be removed manually before proceeding with syncing Kritik and LMS course rosters.

  • In some cases, it's simply a case of students/collaborators being invited with a different email to Kritik than what is in the LMS course roster. To resolve this issue, please contact Kritik support to update the student/collaborator's emails in Kritik.

What if my email in the LMS is different than what I signed up to Kritik with?

  • Kritik uses email as one of its unique identifiers, if your LMS email account does not match the one that you use for Kritik, you would not be able to sign in to Kritik from the LMS.

  • Instructors can easily resolve this by navigating to the Account Settings page in Kritik to update their email to match the one in the LMS.

  • To change your Kritik email, simply sign in to Kritik, navigate to your profile picture and click on “Account Settings”.

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