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The Grading Stage

Learn about the grading stage, how to edit student grades, how to manage and export grade disputes, and how to mark an activity as complete.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over 6 months ago

Students will have their scores hidden during the Create, Evaluate, and the beginning of the Feedback Stage.

  • Immediately after submitting their feedback in the Feedback Stage, students will be able to see their grades and submit disputes.

  • Students will not be able to edit their Feedback remarks or grades after viewing their numeric scores to limit bias.

Grading Stage

In the Grading Stage, you can:

Action Items

The Action Items tab in the grading stage allows instructors to quickly identify and manage pending tasks that need their attention.

By clicking "View Details," instructors are directed to a dedicated page that lists all outstanding items for the activity, making it easier to take timely action.

Edit Grades

  1. Select their name in the Creation List

  2. Click the Edit Score button and select the grade you feel is appropriate.

NOTE: Manually editing a student’s creation score will result in micro-calibration and will adjust the student's grading power, AFTER the activity has been marked as complete.

Creation Tab View:

  • Your grading will take precedence over the evaluators’ scores

  • After changing a grade, the activity’s Student List will indicate this under the Create column as well as the Issues column with the green book symbol.

Evaluation Tab View:

Feedback Tab View:

Grade Disputes

Students may dispute their creation score during the Grading stage, but they need to provide an explanation.

To see and export a list of grade disputes:

  1. Click on the 'Activity Card'

  2. Select 'View By' then 'Dispute'

  3. The dispute table will show you a list of disputes, when they were created, and the dispute status. You can export a csv file of all disputes using the 'Export Disputes' button.

To resolve grade disputes:

  1. Select the student from the student list

  2. Select the ‘Creation’ Tab

  3. Under the ‘Overall Creation Score’ heading, select ‘Manage Dispute’

  4. View the student’s reason for the dispute

  5. Edit the students’ Creation grade if appropriate

    1. NOTE: Be sure to press 'Save' after editing a student's grade. Resolving the dispute will not automatically save the updated grade.

  6. Leave a comment explaining your decision to edit the students’ grade or not edit their grade

  7. Select ‘Resolve Dispute’

8. Students will receive a notification via email or text message when their grade has been resolved

Marking Activities as Complete

After you have resolved all issues and spotlighted any innovative student creations or evaluations that you feel went above and beyond, you should click ‘Mark As Complete’ in the upper right corner of the activity page.

  • This will release the final grades to the students

  • You can always edit activity scores even if the activity has been marked as complete.

  • Activities with no pending disputes and/or flagged comments will automatically transition to Complete 14 days after the Feedback stage ends.

NOTE: It’s important to mark activities as complete in order to achieve student grading power calibration after each one. If you don’t mark activities as complete, grading power will not calibrate for the next activity and this may result in inaccurate future creation scores.

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