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How Scoring Works

Learn how scoring works in Kritik including how your creation, evaluation, and feedback scores are calculated.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Kritik produces four scores on your Activities Dashboard once activities are marked as complete by your instructor:

  • Overall Score is the overall grade you received on all completed activities, based on the grading weight for each stage.

  • Creation Score is based on the weighted average of the evaluations on all of your creations in completed activities.

  • Evaluation Score is the combination of the Grading Score and Written Evaluation Score you receive as a peer evaluator in all your completed activities.

  • Feedback Score is based on your participation in the feedback stage in each of the completed activities.

How The Creation Score is Calculated

  • The creation score for each activity is the weighted average of how your peers scored your submission.

How does the weighted average work?

  • For every peer evaluation on your submission, the grade provided is multiplied by the peer evaluators’ grading power.

    • The average of all peer evaluations will amount to your creation score per activity.

How The Evaluation Score is Calculated

The Evaluation Score:

  • Is the score assigned to a student for how well they did as an evaluator in an activity.

  • Represents how well you did on each evaluation assigned to you and is comprised of two parts for each evaluation:

    • Grading Score

    • Written Evaluation Score

Score Calculation

  • The Evaluation score reported is the average Evaluation score of each evaluation you completed.

    • For example, Jenny gets assigned 3 evaluations to do. She completes her evaluations and gets an Evaluation Score 75%, 50% and 100% for each evaluation. Her Overall Evaluation Score is 75%. The overall Evaluation Score is what is reported in the summary

Grading Score

The Grading Score is how accurately a student scores their peers’ creations.

  • It is calculated by comparing the score the student gave a peer's creation to the final grade of that creation.

  • The final grade of a Creation is the weighted average of the scores the students gave.

    • The closer a student is graded to the final Creation’s Score, the higher their Grading Score.

      • If a student gives all criteria full stars when the creation is not deserving of such a grade, and other evaluators are more honest, this student will be further away from the average and will receive a lower grading score.

NOTE: If an instructor grades a creation that peer evaluators have already scored, the evaluators’ scoring is compared to the instructor's scoring instead of each other.

  • The higher your Grading Power, the higher the impact or weight you will have on the scores you provide as a peer evaluator.

    • For example, if you and another peer score the same Creation but you have the higher Kritik Score, the average for that Creation will be closer to what you scored it.

  • The grading tooltip: This is located under evaluation tab, in the individual evaluation, you can click on the percentage for each Grading Score criteria to learn more on how you achieved the score.

Written Evaluation Score

The written evaluation score is based on the feedback that a student's peer evaluation receives during the Feedback stage.

  • The quality of a student's written evaluation is scored by the student who receives the written evaluation (the creator).

    • It is important to remember that the creator rates evaluations according to how motivational and critical they are.

    • If students simply say “good job” it is not very motivational and even less helpful.

    • Students should justify the scores they give and be specific about the strengths and weaknesses of the creation they are evaluating.

Score Calculation

  • The creator assigns points on a 1 - 4 scale on how Critical and Motivational the written evaluation was.

  • The score is reported as a percentage, with 8/8 being 100%.

Motivational: As an evaluator, was your evaluation motivating or discouraging?

  • A positive and motivational written evaluation highlights areas of strength within the Creation.

  • If you are unable to identify any strengths in the creation, keep an encouraging and constructive tone when delivering criticism and/or areas of improvement.

  • Avoid making assumptions on the creator's intent and subjective comments.

Critical: As an evaluator, how helpful was your written evaluation?

  • A helpful written evaluation explains the impact of any mistakes your peer made, as well as what they can do differently to improve.

  • If you give a creation full marks, use the comment section to question the author to look at the problem from new perspectives, whether it’s raising the bar for excellence or for minor improvements.

  • Remember to write your criticism constructively relating to specific aspects of the work so as not to lose points on the Motivational scale; focus on the problem, not the person, and avoid unhelpful blanket statements.

How Your Feedback Score is Calculated

The Feedback Score consists of your participation in the feedback stage of an activity. The overall Feedback Score is the total average of Feedback Scores in all finalized activities.

  • Feedback score is calculated by the number of feedback on feedback submissions you submitted divided by the number of feedback pieces assigned to you.

    • If you're assigned 5 evaluations to give feedback on, and you complete all 5, you'll get 100% for your feedback score. If you complete 4, you'll get 80%, and so on.

NOTE: You will not be penalized if some of your peers missed providing evaluations and you do not have as much feedback to provide.

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