Depending on your instructor’s preferences for the course, you may have the option to submit a late creation.
Allow Late Submission - Auto-Accept
If your instructor has allowed late submissions with auto-accept, the Activity Card views as:
When you click onto the Activity Card, you will be brought to the Evaluations Tab. Your screen will view as:
If you wish to not submit a creation and only participate in the Evaluation stage, select the checkbox and select the ‘Start Evaluations’ button
NOTE: If you select this box and move onto the Evaluate stage, you will not be able to submit a Creation afterwards. Selecting this box confirms your intention to skip the Create stage entirely and proceed to Evaluate.
If you wish to submit a Late Creation:
Select the ‘Your Creation’ tab.
Type your Creation in the textbox or attach a file (if applicable)
Type your reason for your creation being late.
Select ‘Save & Submit’
Once you have submitted your late submission, you will have a message that reads:
Allow Late Submission - Needs Approval
If your instructor has allowed late submissions but needs approval by the instructor, the Activity Card views as:
When you click onto the Activity Card, you will be brought to the Evaluations Tab. Your screen will view as:
If you wish to not submit a creation and only participate in the Evaluation stage, select the checkbox and select the ‘Start Evaluations’ button
NOTE: If you select this box and move onto the Evaluate stage, you will not be able to submit a Creation afterwards. Selecting this box confirms your intention to skip the Create stage entirely and proceed to Evaluate.
If you wish to submit a Late Creation:
Select the ‘Your Creation’ tab.
Type your Creation in the textbox or attach a file (if applicable)
Type your reason for your creation being late.
Select ‘Save & Submit’
Once you have submitted your late submission, you will have a message that reads: