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Scheduling an Activity

“Learn how to schedule an activity and how to edit your schedule."

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

How to schedule an Activity:

  1. Select the activity you would like to schedule under the ‘Current Activities’ section.

  2. Select Schedule activity at the top right corner

  3. Set your due dates for each of the 3 stages (Creation, Evaluation, Feedback)

    1. If you wish to add a Grace Period for Create, check the ‘Submission grace period’ box underneath Create and select the amount of time you would like the grace period to extend to.

      1. Creations submitted during the grace period will be marked as submitted late during the grace period.

      2. The Evaluation Stage will only begin after the grace period has ended.

    2. If you wish to add a Grace Period for Evaluate, check the ‘Submission grace period’ box underneath Evaluate and select the amount of time you would like the grace period to extend to.

      1. Evaluations submitted during the grace period will not be marked as submitted late during the grace period.

  4. Select ‘Schedule Activity’

    1. Your activity will now have an ‘Activity Card’ listed under ‘Current Activities’. Note: Students will be able to see it the activity once the Create stage begins.

Editing an Activity Schedule:

  1. Select the 'Activity Card' of the activity that you would like to change the schedule for in the 'Current Activities' section

  2. Select "Edit Schedule" in the top right corner

  3. Update your due dates for each of the 3 stages (Creation, Evaluation, Feedback)

    1. You cannot edit the due date of a stage that has already passed. In certain cases, our Support team may be able to revert a stage for you. Please reach out to our Live Chat if you would like to see if this is possible for your activity.

  4. Select ‘Schedule Activity’

    1. Your activity due dates will now be updated on the ‘Activity Card’ listed under ‘Current Activities’, and students will be able to see the new due date for each stage.

Activity Cards

Activity Cards are where you will find all the information you need for each activity at a glance. They continually update as your activities are running. The cards will let you know:

  • The type of activity (individual, group, or calibration)

  • The stage your activity is currently in

  • The percentage of students that have completed each stage

  • The due date of the current stage of the activity

  • The number of disputes, flags, and ungraded creations

View of an Activity Card when an activity is in progress:

View of an Activity Card when an activity is in the Grading Stage:

Once an activity is marked as complete, the card will no longer be visible and instead the activity will be moved below to the “Completed Activities” section.

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